Mark this as my first official blog post of the New Year 2017.
When the new year began, I wanted to re-design and improve my website and one of the features that I wanted to add was a blog where I could talk about what I am learning, the growing pains of being a new developer, small victories, and the joys of my adventures along the way.
If this is your first taste of getting to know me, you're in for a treat. I love learning new things, whether it is a new hobbie, trying a new gardening technique, picking up a new programming language, or going on long backpacking trips into the wilderness in a new area.
My personal website is one of those "new things". I discovered GitHub Pages nearly 2 years ago and went through a few different iterations of my website before settling on something that would just get me by. Fast forward to present day. When I was at the Boulder Ruby Monthly Meetup, I saw a presentation on Middleman and how easy it was to deploy static websites. After doing some research and I started down the path of building my website, compiling it down into a static site and deploying it through GitHub Pages.
Some difficulties I had along the way: The old documentation and almost all the resources found online were out of date for the new External Pipeline in Middleman just released. I needed to use it to be able to properly load jQuery and any other plugins or external assets I may need down the line. So I figured out how to use WebPack for my external pipeline and was blown away with the ease of use and the power of being able to have that at my disposal when making a web application.
I know that was a very high level explanation of some of the difficulty had along the way and I promise, as this progresses and I knock off a few more tasks off the to do list, I will dive deeper.
Until then, so long, thanks for stopping by!